Российско-Германский форум по нанотехнологиям

Томский политехнический университет

Поиск по порталу:

German-Russian Forum on Nanotechnology in Tomsk, Russia
May 22-23 2013

Dear participants!
Please be advised that 30 invited papers will be published in the Special Issue of the journal “Advanced Materials Research” (referenced in Scopus).
“Camera-ready” manuscripts of selected invited papers will be required from authors before June 30, 2013 for following review.
Participants interested in presenting a contribution to the forum are invited to submit an abstract on topics lying within the scope of the conference. The current topics include but are not limited to:

• Nanobioanalytics

• Nanostructured biosensors

• Nanostructure, nanophotonics and optics for diagnostics and therapeutic techniques

• Nanotechnology for medical and gene technology

• Applied Nanotechnology for material improvements

An abstract (only one page) must contain a title, authors' name(s), their affiliation(s) and address(es), e-mail address of the principal author.

Download an abstract template both for plenary lecture and poster presentation
01 сентября 2024 / Sunday