- History of the radioactivity discovery and the development of radioactive raw materials mineral base. Training of specialists
- State and forecast of radioactive raw materials mineral base development
- Breakthrough technologies in forecasting, searching, geological and economic assessment of strategic raw materials deposits, processing technologies
- Geochemistry of radioactive elements in natural and anthropogenic processes and their indicative value
- Radioactive isotopes as indicators of natural processes
- Radioactivity and radioactive elements as an impact factor on biota and humans. Radioactive elements in living matter
- Radioecological problems of the regions
- The problem of radioactive waste and prospects for the development of the nuclear energy industry
- Equipment and methods for measurement of radionuclides content and radioecological parameters. Problems of dose loads assessment from radiation factors
- History of the mining and geological service foundation in Siberia and scientific achievements of the geological departments in TTI-TPI-TPU (1901-2021)