International Science and Technology Conference for Youth
"Advanced Materials for Engineering and Functional Purposes"
17-21 October
Workshop "Practice of public speaking in the “TED talks” format"

The skill of public speaking is especially relevant for young researchers in making presentations of their first results. The formation of this skill from an early course enhances the researcher's competitiveness.

The “TED talks” format presents young researchers with the opportunity to present themselves to a wide audience, outside the conference format. The workshop is aimed at students, master and PhD students and also young scientists interested in the practice and skills of public speaking.

It is possible to take part in the workshop in two formats: listener and speaker. Mandatory registration for the workshop at the link: For speakers the application includes a description of the name and annotation of the speech lasting from 4 to 10 minutes, both on the topics of his research and on topics of any interest to the participant in the fields of technical, natural and social sciences.

The program includes a workshop on principles and resources for preparing a successful presentation and public presentation, presenting recommendations on the topic of the workshop, presentations of selected “TED talks” presentations, and a final discussion of the reports. Speaking participants will be awarded with certificates.

Registration as a listener is open until October 17, 2022. Applications for speech are accepted until October 7, 2022. Participants are notified of the performances selection results no later than October 13.

Applications for participation in any format are accepted from students, master and PhD students and young scientists of technical researches areas, interested in the practice of public speaking.

Competition of school students' reports