Students in grades 8-11 of secondary schools are invited to participate in section 4 of the Conference.
Two forms of participation are provided: full-time and part-time.
The Conference accepts research works containing elements of an experimental or theoretical study, analysis of several literary sources and a review of analogues, research of a problematic nature, including stages of methodically correct experimental work, processing, analysis and interpretation of the collected material, having a literature review on the selected topic.
The topics of the reports should be in the field of modern materials science and correspond to the directions of the Conference:
- structural materials (strength, ductility and fatigue life of materials, research methods, diagnostics and life testing of materials, problems of materials operation in extreme conditions, materials structural studies);
- functional materials (materials for renewable energy sources; heat-resistant and cold-resistant materials, nanomaterials and technologies for producing, composite materials based on metals, ceramics and polymers, biocompatible materials);
- surface modification (methods for materials surface modifying, structure and properties of multifunctional coatings, surface treatment technologies for materials).