International Science and Technology Conference for Youth
"Advanced Materials for Engineering and Functional Purposes"
17-21 October

The purpose of Scholars Report Contest is to identify talented young ones with research achievements.


  • formation of motivation to participate in research activities;
  • development of creative interest in the science and technology achievements in the field of materials science;
  • development of interest to the technical specialties of universities;
  • creation of conditions for acquaintance of scholars and teachers with the creative heritage, innovative achievements of outstanding scientists;
  • formation of successful results of research activities presentation skill among scholars.

Students in grades 8-11 of secondary schools are invited to participate in section 4 of the Conference.

Two forms of participation are provided: full-time and part-time.

The Conference accepts research works containing elements of an experimental or theoretical study, analysis of several literary sources and a review of analogues, research of a problematic nature, including stages of methodically correct experimental work, processing, analysis and interpretation of the collected material, having a literature review on the selected topic.

The topics of the reports should be in the field of modern materials science and correspond to the directions of the Conference:

  • structural materials (strength, ductility and fatigue life of materials, research methods, diagnostics and life testing of materials, problems of materials operation in extreme conditions, materials structural studies);
  • functional materials (materials for renewable energy sources; heat-resistant and cold-resistant materials, nanomaterials and technologies for producing, composite materials based on metals, ceramics and polymers, biocompatible materials);
  • surface modification (methods for materials surface modifying, structure and properties of multifunctional coatings, surface treatment technologies for materials).

Research requirements

The number of co-authors of the research paper should be no more than three people.

Abstract works for participation in the Conference are not allowed.

The works submitted to the Conference must meet the requirements and include:

  • Statement of the problem, hypothesis.
  • Purpose of work.
  • Tasks, need to be solved to achieve the goal.
  • Scientific novelty of work, analogues review (Russian and foreign).
  • Materials, methods and equipment used description.
  • Description of the experiment or progress of the study.
  • Interpretation of the results of the experiment and the study as a whole.
  • Conclusion (a business case is welcome).
  • Conclusions and proposals for the implementation of the results (prospects for use, potential customers and consumers).
  • References to literary sources used in the work.

Submissions to the Conference are not reviewed.

In case of non-compliance with the requirements for the research paper, the organizing committee has the right to reject the work.

Requirements for Abstracts: Requirements

Report Requirements: Conference participants present a 7-minute report in the form of a presentation made in PowerPoint for Windows. Title slide: section name; Topic; the author or team that performed the work (last name, first name, class, educational organization); work supervisor (full name, position). Presentation content: object and purpose ; main stages; conclusions; illustrative material (graphs, diagrams, drawings, etc.).

The best reports will be awarded with diplomas. All section participants are awarded certificates.
