Conference on "International Standards, Accreditation and Certification in Engineering Education & Profession"
Location: Moscow, MISIS (Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys) Event dates: October 19-21, 2010 Organisers: with the support of Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science Federal Education and Science Supervision Agency Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation Russian Association for Engineering Education (RAEE) Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Associations (RUSEA) Association of Technical Universities (ATU) Russian Academy of Education Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and with the participation of FEANI, ENAEE, APEC Engineer, EMF, Washington Accord The Conference will cover the issues of: - International Certification and Registration of Professional Engineers (FEANI, APEC Engineer Register, EMF):
- Requirements for the competences of professional engineers;
- Criteria and procedure of engineers certification and registration;
- Integration of Russia to the international systems of professional engineers certification and registration.
- International Accreditation of Engineering Educational Programmes in HEIs (EUR-ACE, Washington Accord):
- Levels of requirements to the competences of the HEIs engineering educational programmes graduates;
- Criteria and procedures of the programmes accreditation;
- Integration of Russia to the international systems of engineering programmes accreditation.
- Russian HEIs Educational Standards on the basis of Federal Standards of Higher Education and International Requirements to Academic Programme Development, Implementation and Quality Assurance:
- Structure and classification of the engineering programmes (Bachelor – Master);
- Outcome-based approach;
- Asynchronous organisation of the educational process;
- Individualisation of the education (Student-centred education);
- Personalized pedagogical technologies (learning VS teaching);
- Credit-and-rating system and the scale of learning outcomes assessment (ECTS, A-F);
- Criteria of engineering programmes quality (Washington Accord, EUR-ACE, RAEE);
- Higher education quality standards in the Bologna Process (Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area);
- Process management on the basis of the international standards (ISO 9001:2008, IWA 2:2007).
Darya V. Chernikova Leading Expert of Tomsk Polytechnic University International Office E-mail: chdv@tpu.ru Tel. +7 (3822) 56-34-06
Sergey O. Sychev Engineer of National Research University of Science and Technology "MISIS" Strategic Development Department E-mail: usr-misis@rambler.ru Tel/fax +7 (495) 953-54-73