Vth Russian Youth Scientific School-Conference 'Energy, Electrical Engineering and Energy-Efficient Technologies through the Eyes of Young People'

Tomsk Polytechnic University

November 1-3, 2017

About the Conference

IVth Russian Youth Scientific School-Conference "Energy, Electrical Engineering and Energy-Efficient Technologies through the Eyes of Young People" is conducted in order to attract students, Masters, PhD students and young scientists as well as high school students to scientific and research activities oriented to solve relevant objectives of contemporary science, determine their creative and intellectual capacity and also to elevate the scientific mind and form habits of public speech.

Important dates:

• Date held: November 1-3, 2016

• Paper submission deadline is extended till October 22, 2016

Work materials of School-Conference will be published in a form of electronic collected volume, on-line version of collected volume will be posted on a conference website in free access.

Official languages of Forum: Russian and English.

Form of participation: full-time and distance.

Registration fee: free.

Accommodation: nonresident participants pay by themselves.

Based on the results of the event:

• reports of each section will be published in the collected papers of the IVth Russian Youth Scientific School-Conference "Energy, Electrical Engineering and Energy-Efficient Technologies through the Eyes of Young People"

Founders of Forum:

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Russian Foundation for Basic Research

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
