Innovative Methods in Theranostics

The project is aimed at achievement of international recognition of the university in the field of medical engineering on the basis of an international platform creation that will integrate all outstanding methods for training of highly qualified researchers and engineers, creation and transfer of resource-effective technologies for improvement of quality and duration of the planet inhabitants' life. The goal and objectives of the project fully comply with the activities of the Programme for Promoting the Competitiveness of the University among world leading scientific and educational centres.

The project is based on interdisciplinary studies in the field of development of one of the most promising directions aimed at the treatment of oncological diseases, theranostics (therapy plus diagnostics). The project envisages the development of innovative principles for the synthesis of targeted diagnostic and therapeutic tandems on the basis of radioactive isotopes and the creation of complex approach to a spatial visualization of malignant tumours on the basis of radionuclide diagnostics with a consequent implementation of the received data for computer-aided planning of intraoperative therapy of tumour and of zones of lymphogenous metastasis. The significant part of the project is represented by the development of world-class educational programmes in the field of medical physics aimed at the preparation of competitive at the world market specialists for national and international medical radiological centres. The research fields of the project correspond to the world trends of the development of technologies providing better living standards for the society. The formation of such fields considers the following existing features of the University: human resources, experience in training human resources and creating innovative technologies, facilities and infrastructure in the field of medical engineering.