Centre For International Certification of Engineering Education and Engineering Career
| The System of Certification and Registration of professional engineers in the Russian APEC Engineer Register and the international APEC Engineer Register http://apecEngineers.tpu.ru |
- General provisions
- The Code of APEC Engineer Professional Ethics in Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Ethics) defines major moral principles of creative work and relations among engineering specialists with respect to ethic values, history and traditions of soviet and Russian engineers.
- The highest standards of morality shall lay the foundation for developing a highly professional Russian APEC Engineer, become the core of his/her active citizenship, facilitate the genuine value of engineering activity, as well as raise the prestige of the Russian engineering education.
- The key principles of professional conduct and ethics proceed from the fact that free, creative work for ensuring welfare of the public, as well as striving for innovation shall be regarded as matter of honour and dignity of Russian engineers and the key motive of their professional activity.
- Having the core moral principles in view and respecting the achievements of the previous generations, the Russian APEC Engineer seeks to enhance the ex-isting engineering solutions and searches for the principally new ones. Discoveries, inventions, rationalization activity and design of principally new technologies and equipment, as well as implementation of innovations with respect to the moral constituent shall provide the basis for practical work of the Russian APEC Engineer.
- Basic principles of professional ethics
- Russian APEC Engineers shall:
- act for each employer or client in a polite, fair and faithful manner, as well as maintain confidentiality and avoid conflicts,
- provide moral incentives to colleagues and handle any fair criticism in a positive way,
- have an unbiased attitude to all clients and colleagues irrespective of their ethnic belonging, religious views, age, mental and physical abilities, marital status and nationality.
- publish the outcomes of their work, as well let their subordinates and colleagues do so.
- Russian APEC Engineers shall not:
- display their experience in order to undermine public trust in the engineer’s profession or shatter its reputation,
- issue public statements concerning an engineering project until full factual information on the latter is obtained,
- attempt to injure, maliciously or falsely, directly or indirectly, the professional reputation, prospects, practice, or employment of other Russian APEC Engineers,
- use engineering products or processes for commercial publicity,
- accept remuneration for the services rendered without consent of the employer,
- accept commissions, discounts, direct or indirect payments or any other remuneration in connection with the work for which they are responsible,
- use confidential information for obtaining profit,
- take part in the engineering project implementation or solve a technical task which might do harm to the society and /or environment (even if this meets customer and employer requirements and is approved by colleagues).
- A professional engineer should:
- continuously search for reliable facts to find and protect the truth, being the main goal of cognition, regardless all the difficulties that might arise,
- respect creative workу of his/her colleagues,
- critically assess his\her own results and achievements and stop any attempts of appropriating other people’s achievements,
- use a prospective approach when considering any problem or situation with the account to all the social, environmental and other consequences for the society,
- be able to point out civil and ethical aspects of a problem in the process of searching for new engineering knowledge and solutions, which might at first seem to be purely technical,
- be prepared for a constructive dialogue with representatives of related industries,
- try to minimise the negative consequences of specialised equipment usage for individuals, society and environment,
- deny conservatism and stagnation in creative activity,
- enhance the reputation of the Russian APEC Engineer.
- Key moral values
By key moral values of the Russian APEC Engineer one implies: - teamwork and partnership in engineering activity; development of professional and general communication; providing reasonable freedom for exchanging scientific and technical information and experience; search for and support of young talented specialists and facilitation to their workplace adjustment; interest in advanced technological achievements,
- development of mutually beneficial cooperation with international partners; studying and implementation of the international experience, discoveries and technologies,
- humanism being one of the attributes of professional activity which manifests itself in creating conditions ensuring creativity, tools and machinery efficiency, labour safety and growth of mechanisation level, workability of new appliances and processes, as well as increase in the number of automated workplaces necessary for high performance,
- efficiency of research and technological activity, reduction of costs, usage of target-based approaches when solving scientific and technical tasks which will facilitate production costs decrease, cost-effective use of resources and increase in labour productivity,
- integrity which excludes negligence when spotting incompliances with the established rules, new facts and new conditions; endeavor to officially and legally change out-of-date standards and norms,
- persistence in implementing new engineering solutions, searching for the truth and solving complicated problems,
- aspirations for continuous professional development, knowledge enrichment, acquisition of professional skills and competences, computer literacy being a prerequisite for mastering advanced methods of cognition, designing, development of economically and scientifically grounded technical solutions, labour organisation and management, and enhancing general communication culture and amenity,
- outreach activity; fight against ignorance, incompetence, technophobia; raising engineering culture of employees,
- organised and disciplined way of thinking and behaviour,
- responsibility for assumed obligations, ideas implementation and consequences of engineering activity; open acknowledgement of his/her errors.