Russian Center of Certification and Registration of APEC Professional Engineers

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Main » Register » About the Register
General Provisions
  1. The APEC Engineer Register was established by the International Organisation for Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) to ensure professional mobility of engineers in member economies (the USA, Canada, China, Japan, Australia, Russia, etc.).

  2. Registration of engineers in the APEC Engineer Register is carried out on the basis of The APEC Engineer Manual approved by the АРЕС Engineer Coordination Committee, and entails recognition of their competencies meeting international standards and complying with the APEC Engineer Agreement.

  3. Objectives of the system of certification and registration of Russian engineers in the APEC Engineer Register include the following:
    • development of engineering education and engineering profession in the country and enhancement of their attractiveness,
    • improvement of quality of graduates’ training within engineering educational programs in Russia higher educational institutions,
    • promotion of continuous professional development and improvement of professional competencies among practicing engineers,
    • education of highly qualified engineers for further development of production and national economy,
    • improvement of international prestige, competitiveness and mobility of Russian engineers.

  4. This Regulation defines and regulates certification and registration of individuals involved in practical engineering activity in the Russian Register of АРЕС Engineers and international APEC Engineer Register.

  5. Russian Monitoring Committee of АРЕС Engineers is created to control the system of certification and registration of practicing engineers in the Russian АРЕС Engineer Register and the International APEC Engineer Register in compliance with The APEC Engineer Manual.