Журавков Сергей Петрович
Кандидат химических наук

Отделение ядерно-топливного цикла, Доцент
Отделение ядерно-топливного цикла, Лаборант

Тел.: 8 (3822) 70-17-77
Вн. телефон: 5280
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Personal information 1986 - graduated from Tomsk Polytechnic University, specialization: technology of rare and dispersed elements, qualification: process engineer 1997 – PhD. (candidate of science) thesis. Specialization: Organic chemistry. The topic of the thesis: Phenotiazin derivatives and their inhibiting properties 2008 to present time – senior researcher, Laboratory 12, Institute of High Technology Physics My major research interests are in the area of finely dispersed and nanosized powders. I am involed in studies of their physicochemical properties and search for technological applications of powders of metals and alloys. The powders are produced using pulsed power methods. The major application areas are as follows. • 3D printing • Welding bead modification • Active components of catalysts in petroleum engineering • Adsorbent materials for water treatment (removal of bacteria, viruses and heavy metals) Research activities Generation of ultrafine powders using pulsed power methods Studies of properties and search for new applications of nanomaterials currently attract much attention of engineers and scientists. One of the most well-known types of nanomaterials includes nanosized powders of metals and their compounds (oxides, nitrides etc.). Among physical methods providing fast and efficient processing of metals to produce nanopowders, the most interesting are wire electrical explosion and spark erosion of metallic pellets. My research is concentrated on studying the physiochemical properties of powders produced using pulsed power methods. I am also in charge of design and commissioning of commercial powder production devices. Anoter important area of research is looking for perspective applications of finely dispersed and nanosized powders. Academic activities • I am in charge of supervising master students theses dealing with finely dispersed powder. Some of the topics include generation of titanium powder using spark erosion, studies of physicochemical properties of powders and the influence of technological parameters of powder production technologies on the properties of powders. • Master students can get theoretical and practical knowledge of cutting-edge powder production technologies and study modern methods of powder characterization.