Alena O. Zhdanova was born in 11.12.1989. She graduated from school № 19 of Tomsk with a gold medal. Alena O. Zhdanova took an active part in sporting events during schooling. During six years she was a member of the school basketball team, in high school she was a member of the district team.
In 2008 Alena O. Zhdanova was assigned to the first basketball category according to the Unified Basketball All-Russia sports classification.
In 2008 she was enrolled for the first year of Tomsk Polytechnic University. From the second year Alena O. Zhdanova has been engaging actively in scientific work.
In 2013 she graduated from the TPU with honors and a bronze medal. She was awarded a diploma in the nomination “The name went down in history of the sport TPU” of the premium “Polytechnic in 2013”
Alena O. Zhdanova enrolled in graduate school of TPU, passing the entrance exams as “excellent”. With her supervisor, Prof. Dr. Pavel A. Strizhak began to investigate the processes of heat and mass transfer under the influence of the water on thermally decomposed forest fuel material surface layer.
In 2015 Alena O. Zhdanova passed the qualifying examinations for the Candidate degree and prepared the Candidate dissertation “Physical and Chemical Processes at interaction of vapors, droplets and water films with thermally decomposed forest combustible material”and successfully defended it during two years of studying in graduate school of TPU
Alena O. Zhdanova in a team was awarded a diploma by the results of the “13th International Wildland Fire Safety Summit and 4th Human Dimensions of Wildland Fire” (USA, 2015)
To date, Assistant Lecturer of Department of Heat and Power Process Automation TPU, Alena O. Zhdanova is the author and co-author of over 60 scientific publications and more than 14 author's certificates for programs.