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Personal Detail: Zuev Vladimir Vladimirovich
Date of Birth: 22.04.1956
Place of Birth: Tomsk
Education: - 1973-1978 –Tomsk State University, majoring in Physics.
- 1993 - Doctor in Physics and Mathematics.
- 1997 - Professor.
- 1997 - Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Professional Background: - 1978-2009 – trainee researcher, junior scientist, senior scientist and Head of the department in the Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk.
- 2009- present time – Deputy Director for Science in the Institute of monitoring of climatic and ecological systems, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk.
Awards: - 1989 - The RSFSR State Prize in the field of science and technology.
- 2008 – Academician V.A. Koptyug International Belorussian NAS and SB RAS Prize.
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