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12 марта 2025 / Wednesday / Неделя четная
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Viitman Victor R., born on 1954.
Gaduatet from Kazakh National Academy of Arts in 1984
profession (according to diploma) – «Theatrical equipment and design of the performance»
qualification (according to diploma) – «artist - technologist scene»

current position:
Tomsk Polytechnic University, department of «Engineering graphics and industrial design»
Position: docent (since year 2010 till now.

additional current position:
Tomsk Institute of Business, department of «Design»

The experience of scientific and pedagogical activity: 21 year.

Member of Union of Arts of USSR (since 1988) and Union of Arts of Russia.
Member of International Association of Art – AIAP UNESCO
Great educational experience of teaching academic drawing, painting and composition at the Academy of Arts of Alma - Ata (more than 10 years),
academic teaching drawing and painting at the Faculty of Architecture of Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (more than 4 years).
Tomsk Institute of Business(15 years) всегда сочетался и
сочетается с творческой и выставочной деятельностью.