Вайнштейн Роберт Александрович
Доктор технических наук

Отделение электроэнергетики и электротехники, Профессор-консультант

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  • Transient modes and stability of EРS

Purpose: Preparing graduates for solving problems related to the development of innovative methods to improve the efficiency of operation and design of energy systems.

Contents: general characteristics of transients in electrical systems; mathematical models elements the EРS in the calculation of transients; steady-state and transient stability of parallel operation of generators; models loads in the calculation of electromechanical transients.

  • Еmergency control of power system

Purpose: preparing graduates for activities associated with the construction and maintenance of local and centralized emergency control devices the EPS.

Contents: general issues control mode; stability control schemes; automatics for elimination of asynchronous operation; distribution automation. Training aids

1. Fundamentals of emergency control in power systems: a tutorial / RA Weinstein [et al.]. - Tomsk; Cheboksary: Publishing House RIC SRZAU, 2015. - 180 p. 2. Automatic control of power systems in normal and emergency modes: a tutorial/ Robert A. Weinstein, Vladimir Shestakov, IM Katz; Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), Energy Institute (ENIN), Department of electric power systems (the EPS). - Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 2013, Part 1. Access: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext2/m/2013/m317.pdf.  Аutomatic control of the power grid Purpose: preparing graduates for activities related to the operation of the decision of problems and the development of automatic control normal modes of electric power systems devices. Contents: the possible existence of sustainable modes in frequency and voltage; automatic power and frequency control; control of voltage and reactive power in the EPS. Training aids 1. Fundamentals Power System Operation and Control in frequency and active power, in voltage and reactive power [electronic resource]: a manual / Robert A. Weinstein, N. Kolomiets, Vera V. Shestakova.- Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 2010 . - Access from TPU corporate network. - Access: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext2/m/2011/m235.pdf; 2. Automatic control of power systems in normal and emergency modes: a tutorial/ Robert A. Weinstein, Vera V. Shestakova, Iliya M. Katz; Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), Energy Institute (ENIN), Department of electric power systems (the EPS). - Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 2013, Part 2. Access: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext2/m/2013/m318.pdf