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11 февраля 2025 / Tuesday / Неделя четная
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Scientific interests

A.A. Vilisov’s main area of expertise is physics, semiconductor processing, and its application. It is the whole chain from the device operating principles to its serial implementation and application features. Most research and development have been carried out according to the Resolutions of the USSR and Russian Federation Governments, Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences and USSR defense industry decisions. The research has been financed both by the government budget and commercial contracts with the enterprises of various departments.

Main results:

The research and development of a point-contact diode based on gallium arsenide

Electrical forming is the basic technical process radically changing contact properties. It was found that with forming current increase (current impulse time or metal needle curve radius reduction etc.) the M-GaAs contact structure changes in the sequence: metal-dielectic-semiconductor → Schottky barrier → P-N- junction → tunnel P-N- junction.

The following types of diodes based on the research findings have been developed and put into production:

  • a varactor (parametric) microwave diode (it was the first R&D in the Research Institute of Semiconductor Devices);
  • a fast switching subnanosecond performance diode.

The production and delivery of such switching diodes to the enterprises producing radio electronic measurement instrumentation (the Institute of Electronic Measurements, Gorky; Vilnius Research and Development Institute of Radio Measuring Instruments, Vilnius) allowed increasing the bandwidth of a sampling oscilloscope by several times.

Those research findings had been summarized in the Candidate's dissertation (1968).