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11 февраля 2025 / Tuesday / Неделя четная
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VILISOV Anatoly – born June 20, 1939 in Sokolovo Place, Biyskiy District, Altayskiy Region. Graduated from radio–physics department of Tomsk State University in 1961.

Doctor of Engineering, Senior Researcher, Full Member of the International Academy of Authors of Scientific Discoveries and Inventions, Honored Inventor of Russian Federation.

In 1961 – 1981 worked at TSU and SPTI as an engineer of Fundamental Research Laboratory of Semiconductor. Then worked as a Senior Researcher of SPTI, TSU. Then he worked as a Head of Laboratory of Semiconductor Devices Physics in SPTI. In 1968 awarded the title of Ph. D. in Physics and Mathematics. In 1971 awarded the title of Senior Researcher.

From 1981 till May 1, 2011 worked as a Head of Laboratory of Optical Electronics in JSC "NIIPP."

In 1997 – 2000 studied in Full–Time Doctorate of TSU. In 2001 awarded the title of Doctor of Engineering.

In 2011 elected for the post of Professor at Laser and Light Technology Department of Tomsk Polytechnic University, and remains to this day.

In 1960 he married Vilisova (born Mezentseva) Maria. She was born in 1939, works in SPTI, Ph. D. in Physics and Mathematics, Senior Researcher. They have a son and a daughter, two grandsons, and two granddaughters, two great–grandsons and two great–granddaughters.

He has more than 200 publications including 62 inventions patented in USSR and RF.

Major results of his scientific work were discussed at conferences of different levels. He has taken part in the conferences as a speaker and as an organizer, including international ones such as "Gallium Arsenide - 19..." (Tomsk), "Gallium, Indium and Aluminum Nitrides - Structures and Devices" (Moscow and St. Petersburg), "Actual Radiophysics Problems" (Tomsk) and others.

Most of the results made in JSC "NIIPP" have been introduced into mass production.

In 1973 he graduated from Tomsk Public Institute of Patent within TPI (TPU) after that performed as Public Patents Specialist in SPTI and then in JSC "NIIPP." He has actively invented and inspired others to invent in science and techniques.

In 1981 was awarded with a badge of rank "Inventor of USSR."

As a result of activities, he was given various awards and encouragements, amongst which were badges "Socialist Competition Winner" in 1973 and 1975, certificates of honor of various levels: Ministry of Electronic Industry of the USSR, Tomsk Regional Council of All–Russian Society of Inventors and Innovators, Tomsk Regional Council of Scientific and Technical Society, "Znanie" Society, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the RSFSR, TSU, TPU, JSC "NIIPP," the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR, the Electronic Industry Department of Russia's Economics Ministry, the Electronic Industry Department of the Industry and Trade Ministry of RF, medals "Labor Veteran," "Tomsk 400 years," and others. A number of researches were marked with ENEA medals: silver medal for development LEDs for fiber optic lines in 1988, silver medals for LED–based therapy devices in 1990 and 1992.

In 1976 and 1978 was given the grant of central fund of The Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the RSFSR.

Delivered lectures in Solid State Physics, Semiconductor Devices Physics, Semiconductor Devices Technology, Semiconductor Optic Electronics, Radiation Sources and Receivers, Semiconductor Lighting Engineering in TSU, TUSUR and TPU. Has supervised several course and graduate works in TSU, TUSUR, TPU and LITMO for many years. Presided State Exam Commission at Radio–Physics faculty of TSU for seven years. Has supervised four Ph. D. dissertations.

Elected two terms as a secretary of Komsomol Organization of SPTI, bureau member in TSU’s VLKSM. In 1968 was "Honored Komsomol Member of TSU" by the TSU VLKSM decision. For several years was in charge of Scientific and Production Sector of SPTI Bureau of CPSU. Was a secretary of party organization of a department in JSC "NIIPP."

Has presided Scientific and Production Sector of Tomsk Regional Management of Scientific Technical Society of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Communications named A.S. Popov for several years.

Has been active in sports, took part in SPTI, TSU, and JSC "NIIPP" cups in athletics, skiing, and weightlifting. Repeated champion and record-breaker of TSU, medalist of Voluntary Sports Society "Burevestnik" competitions in Tomsk, and Tomsk region by weightlifting.