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    1989, I graduated from the Tomsk State University, Faculty of Philology named after V.V. Kuibyshev and got the philologist specialty.
    1994, I graduated in graduate school at the Tomsk State University named after V.V Kuibyshev, specialty 10.01.01 - Russian Literature (Philology).
    2001 - 2015, I worked at the Department of Cultural and Social Communication Institute of Social and Humanitarian Technologies TPU.
    From 2015 till present I have been an associate professor at Social Communications' department.
    In 2007 I received PhD on the topic. "Innovation in a transitive society. Social philosophical analysis" in the dissertation council of Tomsk State University on a specialty 09.00.11 - social philosophy.
    In 2008, this work was acclaimed as one of the most popular in the Russian State Library named after Lenin.
    Since 2008 I am a member of the Russian Philosophical Society (RFS) and continue to work in the context of researches initiated in the field of social philosophy.
    Have the experience of teaching in different faculties of Cultural Studies. My teaching of this subject is not only limited to classroom work.
    From 2005 to 2010 I represented the Polytechnic University in the organizing committee of the annual Slavic readings. On my initiative was created the student section. For this work, I have got the gratitude from the governor of the Tomsk region and the Lord of Tomsk and Asino Rostislav.
    Since 2007 I am the deputy head of the department responsible for training specialists in socio-cultural service and tourism and bachelors in specialty "Tourism".
    Since 2009 to the present I have been working as the assistant professor.
    In the transition to universities’-level system of education I was engaged in the design of the PLO in the direction of preparation "Tourism" for undergraduate and work on the creation of the educational programs’ Fund in 2011. Under my leadership, the educational programs’ Foundation for undergraduate and Tourism was organized the work of the Accreditation direction 100400 "Tourism" has been updated educational programs in 2013 in 2015.
    In 2013, I received the Thanks of Tomsk Regions’ administration for active participation in the process of training and re-training of tourists’ staff.
    In 2011, together with colleagues I involved in the implementation of large state order for development "Concept preparation and retraining of personnel in the field of tourism".
    From 2009-2011 I participated in the implementation of the grant "International Master of Tourism program for the regions of Siberia." Tempus (Tempus). Joint projects (JP).
    Since 2012 to 2015 I was one of the main executors of the grant TEMPUS «Network of Regional Centers of Tourism» («Tourism lifelong learning network» (№ 530750-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-DK-TEMPUS-JPHES)
    Took an active part in developing the concept and organization of the Siberian Resource Center in retraining of staff for the tourism industry.
    During the last 5 years have passed two international internships in European universities: in 2012 at university LOrientale in Naples (Italy), Faculty of Philosophy and Literature - training with participation in the educational process in order to study materials for the development and improvement of educational programs TPU.
    n 2013 at the University in Aalborg (Denmark) - internship in order to study PBL teaching method.
    Took an active part in the joint project of the Institute of Social and Humanitarian Technologies and the Institute of Cybernetics: the opening of the master training profile "Information technologies in advertising and public relations» (Program 222000 Innovations).
    In April 2014, I took part in organizing and holding of the International Youth Scientific School "Inter-University Campus: perspectives, design, system view": a satellite event of the Forum of Young Scientists U-NOVUS 2.
    From 2014 to 2016 I was scientific supervisor of Vietnamese student Thi Han (group 11B21, 4 year of the Institute of Social and Humanitarian Technologies TPU) during that time she has got the following results:
    In 2014, she won the competition for the scholarships’ appointment of the governor of Tomsk Region.
    In 2015 she became the winner of the scholarship of the municipality "City Tomsk" in the nomination "Achievements in research activities" for 2015 - 2016 academic year.
    She is the winner of three international conferences.