V. G. Volkov was born on 02.03.1948 in Zholymbet village of Akhmolinsk region. In 1966, graduated from Zholymbet secondary school awarded by a silver medal, entered Electrophysical department of TPI. In 1971, graduated with honor from TPI, specialty 06.12 "Industrial electronics".
Work record: 1971 – 1973 – assistant at the Chair of Industrial Electronics. 1973 – 1980 – engineer, senior engineer of the department of portable small-size betatrons of the Research Institute of Nuclear Physics. In 1980, transferred to the Research Institute of Electronic Introscopy along with the laboratory. From 1980 to 1984 – senior engineer, head of the group, from 1984 till present – senior researcher. In 1983, defended a dissertation in support of a candidature for a technical degree ТН № 068195. In 1988, awarded a degree of a senior researcher SN № 056505.