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11 февраля 2025 / Tuesday / Неделя четная
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Training in PSDC SMPS Tomsk Polytechnic University in "the Teacher of distance education", 72 hours (identity). November 2005.

Training in PSDC SMPS Tomsk Polytechnic University in "University Preparation books. The textbook of the new generation" – 72 hours (certificate). may 2006

Training in PSDC SMPS Tomsk Polytechnic University in "training material on the platform WebCT" – 72 hours (certificate). April-June 2008

Training in Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "national research Tomsk Polytechnic University" program "the Creation of an interactive online educational resources" – 72 hours (certificate). October-November 2013

Training in Federal state Autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "national research Tomsk Polytechnic University" on the program of professional retraining "the Testers (a specialist in the field of pedagogical measurements)" - 510 hours(certificate), October 2014 - may 2015

Training in Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "national research Tomsk Polytechnic University" on the program "Development of the electronic course on discipline "Management at the enterprises of oil-gas industry" on the basis of LMS MOODLE tools and services of e-learning" – 72 hours (certificate). March-April 2015

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