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11 февраля 2025 / Tuesday / Неделя четная
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Vazim Andrey Aleksandrovich born in 1971; total work experience-27 years; working at TPU since 1998. Educational work. Reads lectures on disciplines: "Economics and organization of geological exploration"; "Management"; "project Management"; "business Economics and fundamentals of production management (geological exploration)"; leads course design on discipline "project Management". Educational-methodical work HOWTO: 1.Economy (RAB. program, method. the decree. and the decree. on back. course. work) Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 2004. - 49 S. 2.Economic theory. Part I. Microeconomics (study guide). There is a signature stamp. Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 2004. - 119 p. (co-authors Alekhina G. A., Barysheva G. A.) 3.Taxes and taxation (Textbook). There is a signature stamp. Tomsk: Publishing house Tomsk state University, 2007. - 378 p. 4.Budget planning and the tax system (manual). Tomsk: Publishing house TPU, 2007. - 246 p. 5.Kit electronic control works (tests) for students of IDO on the courses: "Economic theory. Part I. Microeconomics"; "Taxes and taxation"; "Budget planning and the tax system". 6.The distance learning course on the WebCT platform of "Taxes and taxation". Research work. Over the last 5 years published 6 papers . Training. •1. Training in PSDC SMPS Tomsk Polytechnic University in "the Teacher of distance education", 72 hours (identity). November 2005. •2. Training in PSDC SMPS Tomsk Polytechnic University in "University Preparation books. The textbook of the new generation" – 72 hours (certificate). as of may 2006. •3. Training in PSDC SMPS Tomsk Polytechnic University in "training material on the platform WebCT" – 72 hours (certificate). April-June 2008 Organizational and educational work. The organizational work of the organizers of the Olympiads, conferences, symposia, etc. events.
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