Список публикаций
Количество записей: 2
The Study of {99}mTc-Aluminum Oxide Using for Sentinel Lymph Nodes Detection in Experiment / А. А. Medvedeva [et al.] // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 135 : Issues of Physics and Technology in Science, Industry and Medicine. — [012027, 5 p.]. — URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/135/1/012027
Nanocolloid Radiopharmaceutical on the Based of Modified DTPA Labeled Technetium-99M / V. I. Chernov [et al.] // Режим доступа: по договору с организацией-держателем ресурса. — URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00259-015-3198-z