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27 сентября 2024 / Friday / Неделя четная
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Research interests:
Automated systems of scientific research, programming of data
processing in the language of Qt4 C++.

Main publication for the last 3 years:

1.Kosicin V.S., Galchenko V.G., Gladkova T.A. Estimation of
parameters software powerful of high-power microwave impulses // News of the
Tomsk polytechnic university. – 2013, it is v. 322. – № 5, p. 205-208.
2. Galchenko V.G., Gladkova T.A.Hardwave and Softwave of
measuring complex for research of parameters of high-power
microwave pulses//News of the Tomsk State National Univesity.-
2016, it is v. 59. - № 2. p. 76-80.
2011 © Томский политехнический университет
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