Цыганков Юрий Владимирович

Отделение информационных технологий, Ассистент

Тел.: 8 (3822) 70-16-09
Вн. телефон: 2226
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Full-time training - laboratory workshop on the subject of "Operating systems"

After completion of "Operating Systems" course, a student will:

  • know the principles of modern operating systems and features of their application;
  • know the appointment, functions and structure of the OS;
  • know the characteristics of modern general-purpose operating system, advantages and disadvantages of individual families OS Microsoft Windows and Unix;
  • know the methods for configuration and administration of the new OS;
  • be able to configure specific configuration of operating systems;
  • be able to work in Windows XP, Windows 7 and Unix/Linux (S.2.4.1);
  • be able to analyze and reasonably choose the OS depending on the task and the resources available;
  • be able to install, configure and administer the simplest cases, the new OS;
  • be able to work with different operating systems and administrating.