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Буркатовская Юлия Борисовна
Кандидат физико-математических наук

Отделение информационных технологий, Доцент

Тел.: 8 (3822) 70-16-09
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10 марта 2025 / Monday / Неделя четная
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Week 1.
What Are Data Structures? (video)
What is an algorithm? (video)
7 Algorithms That Rule The World
Algorithms Are Taking Over The World
Christopher Steiner at TEDxOrangeCoast 
How algorithms shape our world
Kevin Slavin at TED Talks 
Assignment 1
Develop an algorithm. 
What exactly is an algorithm? Algorithms explained
BBC Ideas 
Week 2-3.
Brute force (exhaustive search)
Exaustive search (brute force) (slides)
Brute force reduction (slides)
Brute Force algorithms with real life examples
0/1 Knapsack Problem in Brute Force and Top Down approach
N-Queens Problem - Backtracking
Week 4-5
Greedy algorithms
Greedy algorithms (slides)
Introduction to Greedy Algorithms
Greedy Algorithms for Time-Slot Interval Optimization
Course Grinder  
Top 7 greedy algorithm problems
by Coding Freak 
Greedy algorithms
Geeks for Geeks 
Basics of Greedy Algorithms
Thomas Nield. Traveling Salesman Problem - Visualized Algorithms
Week 7-8
Dynamic programming
Dynamic programming
RU 1:25 / 11:16 Algorithms: Memoization and Dynamic Programming
Video from HackerRank  
Dynamic Programming for Beginners by Andrey Grehov
0-1 Knapsack Problem (Dynamic Programming)
Video from CS Dojo 
Introduction to Dynamic Programming 1
Practice problems 
Top 50 Dynamic Programming Practice Problems
Week 9-10
Integer linear programming
Integer linear programming
Integer Linear Programming - Graphical Method - Optimal Solution, Mixed, Rounding, Relaxation
Joshua Emmanuel  
Integer Linear Programming - Binary (0-1) Variables 1, Fixed Cost
Joshua Emmanuel  
Dual problems in linear programming
Dual Programming Part 1: Relationship between the Primal and Dual LP's
Shokoufeh Mirzaei  
Dual Programming Part 2: How to write the dual programming of a linear programming problem
Shokoufeh Mirzaei  
Assignment problem.pdf
Linear Programming Assignment (Hungarian) Method
Ed Dansereau 
Hungarian Algorithm
Week 11-13
Divide and Conquer
Divide & Conquer (Think Like a Programmer)
V. Anton Spraul  
Divide & Conquer: Convex Hull, Median Finding
MIT OpenCourse. In this lecture, Professor Devadas introduces divide-and-conquer algorithms and problems that can be solved using divide-and-conquer approaches 
Divide and Conquer Approach in Programming
Dynamic Programming vs Divide-and-Conquer
Week 13-14
Big O notation and Master Theorem
Big O notation
You MUST know it before learning algorithms
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