I was born on October 29 in the city of Tomsk. B> In 1999. B> with honors graduated from high school № 6 with intensive study of German language and enrolled to study at the Tomsk Polytechnic University in the Faculty of Engineering and Economics in "Environmental Engineering». In 2003. B> has received a bachelor's degree of engineering on "Environmental Engineering" technology (cum laude). In 2003. B> received the Certificate University of Cambridge First Certificate in English, University of Cambridge. In 2004. B> received the diploma of the Cyprus Institute of Marketing in the specialty "Marketing Management". In 2004. B> was qualified engineer with a degree in "Environmental Engineering" (with honors). The training period is actively engaged in research work under the guidance of Professor Ilyin Alexander, head of the laboratory 14 High Voltage Research Institute of TPU in "Methods of nanomaterials, their structure and properties». In 2004. B> for excellent training and outstanding achievements in scientific research was awarded a bronze medal "For merits before Tomsk Polytechnic University". In 2004. B> received a second degree in "Economics and Management", Tomsk Polytechnic University. . in 2004 b> entered the post-graduate course in the laboratory 14 High Voltage Research Institute of TPU, specialty 05.17.11 - Technology of silicate and refractory nonmetallic materials. Supervisor - Dr., Professor, Ilyin AP . in 2007 b> early prepared and successfully defended in the Dissertation Council D 212.269.08 thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences on the subject: "Synthesis of nitride ceramic materials in combustion air mixtures of aluminum nanopowder with nanopowders W and Mo, and powder Cr. » In 2007. B> has received the second higher education on a specialty "Translator in professional communications", Tomsk Polytechnic University. In 2009, the. B> received the diploma of a Member of the European Academy of Sciences. Currently, b> I work at the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry Institute of High Technology Physics: Since 2005 - Engineer; Since 2007 - the assistant; since 2008 - the senior teacher; since 2009 - Associate Professor .