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10 февраля 2025 / Monday / Неделя четная
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Научные публикации (Российские издания):
Исследование технологических процессов для концентрирования и стерилизации соков методом прямого нагрева (статья).
В данной статье рассматривается проблема концентрирования соков методом омического (прямого) нагрева. Авторами были проведены постановочные экспериментальные исследования на трех разновидностях соков. Установлено, что процесс концентрации соков омическим нагревом является безынерционным, поэтому процесс пенообразования при омическом нагреве соков легко управляется путем корректировки напряжения. Также процесс обладает возможностью поддерживать постоянную температуру раствора, исключая перегрев, коагуляцию и обеспечивает сохранность БАВ. Масса электродов в процессе нагрева не изменяется. На основании анализа полученных результатов, а также привлечения имеющихся данных из других областей применения омического нагрева жидких сред предполагается изготовление экспериментальной установки омического нагрева соков с коаксиальным размещением электродов и системой автоматизации параметров процесса.
Определение асептического воздействия омического нагрева органических пищевых жидкостей в лабораторных условиях (тезисы).
Для удовлетворения потребностей рынка, в частности по концентрированным сокам, используются различные технологии удаления жидкости и асептирования. В химической технологии известен метод прямого омического нагрева водных растворов, который пытаются применить в пищевой промышленности. При объединении омического нагрева с технологией стерильных контейнеров или системой заполнения тары этот процесс способен увеличить выход готового продукта с дополнительной степенью сохранности, позволяющей сразу хранить продукт на полках складов и хранилищ с минимальными условиями.
Экспериментальное определение зависимости удельной электропроводности соков от концентрации (статья).
Последнее десятилетие активно развивается направление по заготовке как дикорастущих плодов и ягод, так и выращенных сельскохозяйственным путем. Намечается стойкая тенденция уже не просто к небольшому сбору для непосредственной реализации, но и к переработке крупных объемов растительного сырья в товарный продукт. В том числе непосредственно вблизи места заготовок. Вызвано это рядом причин, например быстрой порчей сырья.
Научные публикации (Зарубежные издания):
Harnessing the Capabilities of Spray Granulation in the Food Industry for the Production of Functional Foods.
The article is the literature review of a current state of production technologies of powdery foodstuff, concentrates and multicomponent mixes. The need of the food industry for qualitative methods of processing of raw materials of different physical and chemical structure is noted. The authors give the reasons about need and possibility of a choice of granulation as a method of data processing of products. Physical and chemical features of granulation methods of disperse environments of various aggregate states based on the studied regularities and works of other authors are considered. The authors made the assumption of the application prospects of the method of liquid dispersion on the surface of particles in a suspended state for a granulation of foodstuff and they offered the alternative option. The possibility to use whey as binding element is considered. At the end of article authors draw the conclusion about the prospects of use of a method of dispersion of liquid on the surface of particles in a suspended state for a granulation of foodstuff.
Investigation of changes in conductivity of juice during the evaporation process.
The creation of this article was the necessity of experimental determination of the electric conductivity of juice depending on the concentration of solids, expressed by the empirical formula, in order to more precisely control specific power supplied to the machine and foaming. Authors of the article held staged experimental studies using apple juice, the juice of red mountain ash, buckthorn and black currant. Found that the relationship between the conductivity of the juice solids content corresponds to the empirical formula of Kohlrausch, however, this formula does not represent the contribution juice acidity value of conductivity, and allows to correlate the specific power input to the device with the concentration of solids. The empirical formulas for the distribution of electrical juice conductivity depending on the acidity and for calculation of the specific power depending on the concentration of dry matter, allows to keep the speed of the foam below its destruction speed in the zone of vigorous reflux.
Reception two and three-phase combined dispersive systems with the use centrifugal mixer.
The article presents the theory of the formation of disperse combined systems, the greatest attention is paid to the three-phase system consisting of fine particles, gas and liquid. The authors suggest the equation describing the impact of different energies on combined particulate system. Possible conversion processes of surface energy into thermal, mechanical and chemical energy were shown. Also presents the results obtained by various dispersed systems with liquid additives and without them on the continuos mixer of centrifugal type. The study of using of volumetric ratio phases revealed major technological methods that enable to purposefully influence the ratio of different phases in order to obtain materials with the desired properties. The addition of a small amount of a liquid mixture of 4% with a viscosity of 50 Pa sec reduces the coefficient of inhomogeneity and to reduce the segregation of the mixture obtained in the dusty area and, consequently, to increase the quality of the final product (uniformity of a three-phase system).
Thermophysical properties of granules instant drinks in the process of structuring.
In this article the research of the thermophysical properties of the material depending on its moisture content been represented. The interrelation of various physical properties with the content of moisture in the mass were detected. In addition, their dependence on the quantitative ratio and the properties of structural carcass and pore spaces were proved. The need to consider the volume phase composition of the mixture was justified. A formula to calculate the thermal conductivity coefficient of the product molded from disperse materials was obtained on the basis of Lykov criterion defining the property of drying material and volume phase concentrations. It is proved that the use of volume phase characteristics of disperse systems opens new possibilities for improving the methodologies for determining the those thermophysical properties of dry and wet dispersion materials, allows increasing the reliability results of these definitions, revealing the mechanism of anomalous heat conductivity of wet material.
The Numerical Simulation Study on the Forward-flow Cylindrical Hydrocyclone Field
The Forward-flow cylindrical hydrocyclone (FFCH) can be applied to the sorting of the minerals and the classification of particles, but the separation is inefficient. By using the FLUENT software to simulate FFCH flow field, the result illustrates that the RSM can be used to accurately calculate the flow field of the structure. And the tangential velocity is in good agreement with the reference materials. The tangential velocity has the characteristics of the combination of the forced vortex and quasi-free vortex. The axial velocity shows that there is a swirl in the longitudinal direction. The larger centripetal radial velocity mainly appears near the entrance and the underside of the classifier. Improvement of the classification efficiency can be achieved by increasing the density of liquid, reducing the inlet velocity, increasing FFCH diameter, changing the structure size and position of FFCH outlet, adding the auxiliary parts.
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