Владимирова Татьяна Леонидовна
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Отделение русского языка, Доцент

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22 января 2025 / Wednesday / Неделя нечетная
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In 1998 Tatiana L. Vladimirova graduated from Tomsk State University, Philology Department with a specialty “Philologist. Teacher.” In 1998 she joined Tomsk Polytechnic University. Since 2008 till present she has been working at the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language in the capacity of an Assistant Professor. Tatiana L. Vladimirova is currently an assistant of the Head of Department for academic affairs. In 2006 she defended a Candidate’s dissertation “Roman text in the works of N.V. Gogol”. Tatiana L. Vladimirova has got a rich teaching experience at the universities abroad. For example, Jilin University (Changchun, People’s Republic of China), "L'Orientale" University (Naples, Italy). Tatiana L. Vladimirova is an author of 40 scientific and research papers (including 1 monograph, 7 papers in peer-review journals) and 12 student training manuals; a co-author of 8 multi-author monographs.