01 февраля 2025 / Saturday / Неделя четная
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  1. I received Master honours Degree in Physics for investigation of the methods of formation and modification of hybrid biomaterials for medicine.

  2. The investigation was directed to the formation of polymeric materials for medical purposes. In additional, methods for polymeric materials modification by the physical vapour deposition (PVD) were studied in order to enhance the biocompatibility of the materials and obtain the desired characteristics.

  3. Nowadays, my research topic is development and research of advanced metal alloys based on titanium and zirconium for efficient hydrogen storage materials.

  4. My scientific supervisor is Head of Department of General Physics Ph.D. in Physics Andrey M. Lider. I study hydrogen sorption-desorption properties of alloys as well their structure during hydrogenation-dehydrogenation cycling. I use both theoretical and experimental approaches for my research. Application of advanced hydrogen-storage materials for mobile or stationary power systems also is our intention.
I published 6 articles in leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and 20 abstracts in Russian and International conference proceedings.
My research work has been supported by the following programs and grants:
  1. Individual grant by “Fund for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology”
  2. Federal Target Programme (FTsP)
  3. Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR)
  4. Russian Science Foundation