25 февраля 2025 / Tuesday / Неделя четная
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2003 Training in Tomsk Polytechnic University in "Using the Internet and Internet- technologies in the educational and scientific work";
2005 Training in Tomsk Polytechnic University in the direction of "Engineering and Computer Graphics";
2006 academic degree of candidate of technical sciences in the field: "Thermal power plants, their power systems and units" and "Thermal physics and theoretical heat";
2007-2008 training at TPU in "Foreign language teachers for linguistic specialties";
2010 internship at the Technical University of Dresden (Germany);
2011 Training seminar on the methodology of the project ECDEAST design engineering education programs, agreed with EQF standards and EUR-ACE. Certificate «Training Workshop of the ECDEAST Project on methodology of engineering curricula design aligned with EQF and EUR-ACE Standards»;
2011 training in TPU program "Conducting energy audits in order to improve energy efficiency and conservation".
2011 © Томский политехнический университет
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