Таловская Анна Валерьевна
Доктор геолого-минералогических наук

Отделение геологии, Профессор

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31 января 2025 / Friday / Неделя четная
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Talovskaya Anna obtained her PhD in 2008 at Tomsk Polytechnic University on the subject “Ecological and geochemical assessment of Tomsk city on the base of study of dust aerosol composition” of Geoecology. This work was carried out at Geoecology and Geochemistry Department of Tomsk Polytechnic University.

Talovskaya Anna studies snow composition as scavenger of aerosols. Interests are focused on study of elemental and mineral composition of solid airborne particles deposited in snow. Talovskaya Anna studies heavy metals, rare, radioactive, major, noble elements composition and modes of their occurrence in snow.

Talovskaya Anna applies advanced techniques in her study of environmental impact assessment in cities. Work is mostly based on experiments with electron scanning microscopy, ICP MS, neutron activation analysis and atomic absorption analysis.

Talovskaya Anna analyzed the samples in University of Karlsruhe on DAAD grand for internship in 2007. She revealed mineral and anthropogenic phases in the insoluble particles of snow within Tomsk city and their potential sources.

On-going research of Talovskaya Anna has grown out of her PhD. Talovskaya Anna is developing a strong interest in defining markers for different industry emissions in urban area (such as fossil fuel power plant, petrochemical industry, brick plants, nuclear-fuel complex) accumulated in snow cover. Her research is also aimed at determination of chemical composition and mineral and non-mineral phases in solid airborne particles deposited in snow as well as element composition of snow melt water. Talovskaya Anna’s interests are also focused on creating links between air pollution and human health.

Talovskaya Anna is carrying out her research on the themes supported by grant of President of Russian Federation for Russian PhD scientists, BP Company and Russian foundation for basic research. Talovskaya Anna collaborates with various scientists from Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. Recently Talovskaya Anna started a new line of the research on live cycle assessment with scientists of Technic University of Troyes (France) and on study of radioactive elements species in solid airborne particles deposited in snow with scientists of Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norway). Talovskaya Anna is keen to collaboration with specialists in aerosol science, radioecology and environmental impact assessment. 

2011 © Томский политехнический университет
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