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* Cultural studies * This course is designed for student of all fields of study. Discusses the concept of "culture", "tradition", "cultural person". Students study types of cultures.Students learn about peculiarities of Russian culture.
* Professional ethics * The course is intended for students of a direction "Advertising and public relations". The concepts of "professional morality", "duty", "responsibility", "reputation". Students learn professional standards, codes and business etiquette.
* Conflictology * The course is intended for students of a direction "Advertising and public relations". Discusses the concept of "conflict" its types and functions. Students will learn conflict management in the organization.
* The motivation of the consumers of tourist services * The course is intended for students of specialty "Tourism". Students study the concept of "motivation", "customer", "service", "marketing". Students will learn the process of making consumer decisions.
* Psychology of business communication * The course is intended for students of specialty "Tourism". Students study the concept of "business communication", "presentation", "influence". The students will learn basic business rituals in business communications.