* 2013 * Awarded the Commendation of the Director of ISHT TPU for achievements in the field of introduction in the Russian practice of education management techniques monitoring certification of teachers in the implementation of the Federal target program of education development.
* 2008 * Awarded the badge "Honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation" and Honorary diploma of the Ministry of the Russian Federation of employees of TPU.
* 2008 * Was awarded the Honorary diploma of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation for achievements in scientific teaching and trade Union work.
* 2007 * Awarded diploma of the Tomsk region Administration for conscientious work in preparing highly qualified specialists.
* 2005 * Awarded the Medal "100th anniversary of trade Union movement in Russia".
* 2000 * Was awarded the Honorary diploma of the Presidium of the regional Committee of trade unions for conscientious work in the Union, a great contribution to the protection of socio-economic rights of workers.
* 1996 * Awarded the Jubilee medal "100 years of TPU".
* 1996 * Awarded a letter of commendation TPU's administration for dedication and zealous attitude to the Affairs of the University.