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07 марта 2025 / Friday / Неделя нечетная
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Provided disciplines:

  1. Electrical Materials Science

    The course provides basic information about electrical materials used in modern electric power and electrical engineering. Conducting, semiconductor, magnetic and dielectric materials are considered.
  2. Insulation of electrical machines and apparatuses

    The course is designed to study the basics of calculation of electrical insulation systems of electrical machines and apparatuses. The course is designed to teach the basic aspects of insulation technology.

  3. Design and diagnostics of electrical insulation systems

    The course deals with the design and diagnostics of electrical insulation systems. The course includes laboratory and practical classes.
  4. Professional training in English

    The course involves preparing students for technical English. The special terms used in the electric power industry and electrical engineering with reference to the sphere of scientific interests of students are considered.
  5. Physics and chemistry of dielectric materials

    The course examines in depth the physico-chemical aspects of the properties of electrical insulation materials. The practical part of the course is aimed at the formation of knowledge on the use of various materials in modern electrical engineering.

All methodological materials on the discipline "Electrical materials Science" are available at the link.