Вильчинская Светлана Сергеевна
Кандидат физико-математических наук

Отделение материаловедения, Доцент
Отделение экспериментальной физики, Старший преподаватель

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Welcome to my website

Name: Svetlana S. Vilchinskaya
Position: associate professor
Address: 2 Lenin Ave., room 036, TPU Building 10, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia 634300
Email: svetvil@tpu.ru


Date of Birth: 11.16.1976
Place of Birth: Russia
Education: higher, graduated from Tomsk Polytechnic University with a degree in optical engineering
Thesis: in 2005 defended a thesis for the degree of candidate of physico-mathematical sciences on a specialty 01.04.07 - "Physics of Condensed Matter"
Employment history: 2000 - graduated from the Department of Lasers and Lighting Engineering with master degree in "Optical Materials",
2001 - postgraduate study at TPU under the supervision of prof. V.M. Lisitsyn
In 2005 was elected for the position of an associate professor at the Department of Lasers and Lighting Engineering.