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07 марта 2025 / Friday / Неделя нечетная
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Practical course on conversation in the first foreign language

Aim: to develop key competences in international and professional communication.
Content: practical phonetics, morphology, syntax of the English language. The main topics are Language and Communication, Cultures and Traditions, Travelling, The City and its Problems, Cinema, Theatre, Music, Arts, Sports,  Legal and Illegal; Social Problems; Education; Environment and Ecology; World issues; Medicine; Mass media, Science and Technology.

Practical course on conversation in the second foreign language  

Aim: to develop key competences in international and professional communication in the second foreign language.
Contents: practical phonetics, morphology, syntax of the English language. The main topics are Entertainment; Science and Modern Technology; Dwellings; People In Modern Society; Travelling and Tourism; Environmental Protection and Ecology; Crime; Health; Ad and Shopping; Food and Healthy Eating; Sports; Mass Media; Language and Communication, Work and Career; Arts; The City and its Problems; Cinema and Theatre, Great Britain/The USA; Education and Educational Systems.

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