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Professional training in English
As part of the discipline are given specific knowledge in the direction of the electric power in the English language.
Field (specialty) (primary curriculum):
Electrical engineering
Training profile (specialty, program): 13.04.02 Electrical Power and Electrical Engineering
Qualification (degree): Master
Supporting subdivision: Department of Industrial Electric Power Supply, TPU Study time allocation 216 hours (contact hours: 64 (seminars – 10 hours; laboratory works - 54 hours), private study hours: 152).
Credit points 6
Semester: 1,2
Mode of study: full-time attendance
The purpose of learning
The purpose of the course" English for professional purposes " is to develop students knowledge of the theory and principles of operation and design of power supply systems of industrial enterprises, practical skills in creation of optimal energy systems and their operation with the use of the English language.
Course contents
The course contains 8 main modules:
1 Terminology in the electric power industry and topology of power supply systems of industrial enterprises.
2.Research operating modes system power supply enterprises.
4.Compensation Reactive power in industrial supply system.
5. Research of economically feasible operating modes of transformers.
6. Research and determination of the estimated electricity load.
7. Study of high harmonic currents and voltages in distribution networks.
At the end of the course students will be able to
Apply principles of operation and design of power supply systems of industrial enterprises to solve problems and orally explain practical applications to the audience.
Demonstrate an understanding of the terminology of electric power industry and topology of power supply systems of industrial enterprises.
Develop the ability to appraise, use and interpret experimental data to correctly explain the physical phenomena observed during lab class.
Write, using correct data collection, organization and analysis techniques, a complete formal laboratory report, including: title of experiment, objectives, data and observations, results and conclusions.
Type of attestation:
Type of attestation: Face-to-face examination with the lecturer.
Mathematical modeling of power supply systems
Within the discipline are given approach to the different aspects of mathematical modelling of the electricity system
Field (specialty) (primary curriculum): Electrical engineering
Training profile (specialty, program): 13.03.02 Electrical Power and Electrical Engineering
Qualification (degree): Bachelor students
Supporting subdivision: Department of Industrial Electric Power Supply, TPU 144 hours (contact hours: 66 (lectures – 24 hours, seminars – 16 hours; laboratory works - 24 hours), private study hours: 80).
Credit points: 4
Semester: 7
Mode of study: full-time attendance
The purpose of learning
The purpose of the course" Mathematical modeling of Electrical Power Supply Systems " is to develop students practical skills in creation of optimal energy systems with use Mathematical modeling elements of power supply systems of industrial enterprises.
Course contents
1. Common questions of modeling.
2. Modeling elements of power supply systems.
3. Optimization problems of power supply.
Course mastering results
At the end of the course students will be able to:
Apply knowledge of electrical engineering to solve problems of calculation and analysis of electrical devices, objects and systems.
Be able to formulate problems in the field of power and electrical engineering, to analyze and solve them using Mathematical modeling.
To apply the methods of calculation of the established processes in linear and nonlinear electric circuits.
To use modern technical means and computer for communication, presentations, report writing in electrical engineering.
Type of attestation:
Face-to-face examination with the lecturer.
Tomsk Polytechnic University
30, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Office 127, 30, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Telephone: +7(3822) 56-34-70, Fax: +7(3822) 56-38-65
Office 125, 4a, Usov Str., Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Tel./fax: +7(3822) 70-50-85
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