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10 марта 2025 / Monday / Неделя четная
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In 2016 year the research objectives were to compare the development trends of information and communication environment, the global educational space and pedagogical ideas, which directly or indirectly affect the application of ICT in education. The study has been based on the foresight results and the content of the Internet publications on the prospects for sustainable development of education in the context UNESCO Incheon Declaration for Education 2030. The content analysis of pedagogical publications has demonstrated that the current understanding of knowledge appeals to its socialization and dissemination in the global network environment, whose technological basis is rapidly growing. The educational process in the Learning Society is regarded as a distributed one among some formal education establishments (‘universities of the world for one’) and the community of content curators. It was showed that the psychological and pedagogical theories of connectionism, social learning, multiple intelligences, and some others are to be considered in the development of hardware and software base for education technologies.