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10 марта 2025 / Monday / Неделя четная
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Course Description

Discipline/Course: Educator’s professional development
Training programme for university staff:  “Tools of Web support in educational process

Department: Technology and Pedagogy of Electronic Learning
Instructor: Viacheslav A. Starodubtsev, Dr. of Pedagogy, Professor
Contact details: +7 903 953 1785, email: starslava@mail.ru

Learning Outcomes: the educator will possess professional skills, including the ability: – to create and post to a network the educational training material in line with the theory and practice of vocational education; – organize and carry out network training using audio-visual means of communication; – adjust the learning process in accordance with the data of monitoring it.

Course Objectives and Content:
The objective of the course Tools of Web support in educational processis to develop the ability to create the disciplinary, informational and methodological support to the joint and independent work of students in the digital educational university environment.

Course Outline:
Section 1. Introduction.
Section 2. Conceptual foundations of e-learning in TPU.
Section 3. Organization of feedback and assessment of learning outcomes in mixed learning.
Section 4. Personalised using of Web services which support the formation of training environment for blended learning.
Section 5. Creating the complex of teaching interactive copyright resources for blended learning
Section 6. Discussion of achieved results and course portfolios presenting.

Course Delivery: The form and timing of the implementation of the programme shall be defined by agreement with the customer.

Prerequisites: N/A

Co-requisites: N/A

Final Assessment: pass/fail test and portfolio

Course Developer: Viacheslav A. Starodubtsev, Dr. of Pedagogy, Professor