Спицына Любовь Юрьевна
Кандидат экономических наук

Бизнес-школа, Доцент

Вн. телефон: 1203
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01 сентября 2024 / Sunday
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According to the information provided by the Unified Dean's Office, consultants must sign the printed version of the Section. To obtain a visa, students must submit the final printed version of the diploma research text, including the Financial Management section, Assignment for writing of Financial management section and the Title page. These documents can be provided during the consultation or left in the room No. 310 (building No. 19). YOU MUST WRITE on the package of documents for whom they are intended, your contact phone number and your e-mail address, from which you wrote me to review the Section. I will approve the documents as they come in and leave them in the room No. 310 where you can pick them up.
Instruction for writing FM part for Master students
Assignment for Financial Management Part of Diploma Research Paper (masters)
FMP example (from previous years)
Step-by-step writing of FMP