Солодский Сергей Анатольевич
Кандидат технических наук

Юргинский технологический институт (филиал) ТПУ, Директор

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Abstract The discipline of "Natural hazards" is intended for studying by students at the Basic educational program 20.03.01 Technosphere safety profile of the preparation of Protection in emergency situations.
Objectives of the discipline The students need to possess acquire necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills about hazardous natural processes and phenomena as sources of emergency situations of natural character.
As a result of mastering this discipline, the bachelor acquires knowledge, skills and abilities, ensuring the achievement of the objectives of the basic educational program "Technosphere safety".
Hazardous natural processes is a nonlinear and sometimes extreme phenomenon of interaction between natural systems or processes with social and environmental systems, which result in affecting factors that are detrimental to the society and nature. Range of dangerous natural processes is very wide, which determines the diversity of the Genesis, mechanisms of development, scale, velocities and energies of manifestation, duration of exposure and the difference between damaging factors. So here, as in the usual traditional disciplines, to highlight a particular subject of research. The diversity of the studied objects involves an interdisciplinary approach.
The content of the discipline It is characteristics and areas of occurrence of natural hazard processes: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, debris flows, rock avalanches, rockslides, avalanches, dust storms, cyclones, floods, forest and steppe fires, hurricanes and epidemics, epizootics, epidemics, mass distribution of pests of agriculture and forestry. It is features of processes of development of natural phenomena, their impact on the population, objects of economy and environment; natural disasters. It is data on comparative frequency of different natural disaster Genesis. It is material damage and human losses from disasters.
It is general principles predict HNP. It is monitoring and mathematical modeling as a basis for increasing the efficiency of the forecast of the HNP.
It is problems of forecast, prevention and protection of people and property from natural disasters. It is the role of public authorities, scientists, experts in protection in emergency situations in effective overcoming of natural disasters. It is social aspects of the problem, international cooperation.
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