Смолянский Егор Александрович

Научно-образовательный центр перспективных исследований, Исполняющий обязанности руководителя
Научно-образовательный центр перспективных исследований, Ведущий инженер-конструктор

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Список публикаций

Количество записей: 25

  1. Optical Properties of Al–Si–N Coatings Deposited by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering on Steel 12H18N10T and Zirconium Alloy E110 / F. V. Konusov, S. K. Pavlov, E. A. Smolyanskiy [et al.] // Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques. — 2023. — Vol. 17, s. 1. — P. S136–S145. — Режим доступа: по договору с организацией-держателем ресурса. — URL:

  2. Testing of the Ti foil with TiN coating as an exit window of a pulsed electron accelerator / I. S. Egorov, E. A. Smolyanskiy, A. V. Poloskov, M. A. Serebrennikov // Vacuum. — 2022. — Vol. 199. — [110921, 5 p.]. — URL:

  3. Соловьёв, А. А. Разработка твердооксидных топливных элементов в Томском политехническом университете / А. А. Соловьёв, Г. Е. Ремнев, Е. А. Смолянский // Водород. Технологии. Будущее : сборник тезисов докладов Всероссийской научно-практической конференции, г. Томск, 23-24 декабря 2020 г. / Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет (ТПУ) ; под ред. М. С. Юсубова, А. М. Лидера, А. С. Боева. — 2021. — [С. 56]. — URL:

  4. Радиоактивационный контроль плотности износостойких покрытий AlN и CrN на кремнии = Radioactivation Monitoring of the Density of Wear-Resistant AlN and CrN Coatings on Silicon / В. А. Рыжков, В. А. Тарбоков, Е. А. Смолянский, Г. Е. Ремнев // Письма в Журнал технической физики. — 2021. — Т. 47, № 10. — [С. 26-29]. — URL:

  5. Effect of Preliminary Irradiation of 321 Steel Substrates with High-Intense Pulsed Ion Beams on Scratch Test Results of Subsequently Deposited AlN Coatings / V. A. Tarbokov, S. K. Pavlov, E. A. Smolyanskiy (Smolyansky, Smolyanskii) [et al.] // Coatings. — 2021. — Vol. 11, iss. 10. — [1169, 13 p.]. — URL:

  6. Anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells with multilayer LSC/CGO/LSC cathode / A. A. Soloviev, K. A. Kuterbekov, S. A. Nurkenov [et al.] // Fuel Cells. — 2021. — Vol. 21, iss. 4. — [P. 408-412]. — URL:

  7. The Effect of Thin Functional Electrode Layers on Characteristics of Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell = Влияние тонких функциональных слоев электродов на характеристики среднетемпературного твердооксидного топливного элемента / A. V. Shipilova, A. A. Soloviev (Solovyev), E. A. Smolyanskiy (Smolyansky, Smolyanskii) [et al.] // Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. — 2021. — Vol. 57, iss. 2. — [P. 97-103]. — URL:

  8. Влияние тонких функциональных слоев электродов на характеристики среднетемпературного твердооксидного топливного элемента = The Effect of Thin Functional Electrode Layers on Characteristics of Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell / А. В. Шипилова, А. А. Соловьёв, Е. А. Смолянский [и др.] // Электрохимия. — 2021. — Т. 57, № 2. — [С. 67-74]. — URL:

  9. Submicrosecond electron accelerator based on pulsed transformer / A. V. Poloskov, I. S. Egorov, A. V. Nashilevsky [et al.] // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. — 2020. — Vol. 969. — [163951, 7 р.]. — URL:

  10. Effect of magnetron sputtered anode functional layer on the anode-supported solid oxide fuel cell performance / E. V. Chikhray [et al.] // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. — 2019. — Vol. 44, iss. 58. — [P. 30636-30643]. — URL:

  11. Reactive co-sputter deposition of nanostructured cermet anodes for solid oxide fuel cells / I. V. Ionov [et al.] // Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP) . — 2018. — Vol. 57, iss. 1S. — [6 p.]. — URL:

  12. Magnetron sputtered LSC thin films for solid oxide fuel cell application / E. A. Smolyanskiy (Smolyansky, Smolyanskii) [et al.] // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1115 : 6th International Congress "Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects", EFRE2018. 14th International Conference on Modification of Materials with Particle Beams and Plasma Flows (14th CMM). — [032080, 6 p.]. — URL:

  13. Fabrication and Performance Investigation of Three-Cell SOFC Stack Based on Anode-Supported Cells With Magnetron Sputtered Electrolyte / A. A. Soloviev (Solovyev), I. V. Ionov, A. L. Lauk [et al.] // Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage. — 2018. — Vol. 15, iss. 4. — [044501,4 p.]. — URL:

  14. Solid oxide fuel cell anode surface modification by magnetron sputtering of NiO/YSZ thin film / A. A. Soloviev [et al.] // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2017. — Vol. 830 : Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects 2016. — [012106, 6 p.]. — URL:

  15. Performance Characteristics of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with YSZ/CGO Electrolyte / A. N. Kovalchuk [et al.] // Key Engineering Materials : Scientific Journal. — 2017. — Vol. 743 : High Technology: Research and Applications (HTRA 2016). — [P. 281-286]. — URL:

  16. TiN coating effect on the elastoplastic behaviour of Ti film for electron beam exit window / A. G. Knyazeva [et al.] // Vacuum. — 2017. — Vol. 143. — [P. 356-362]. — URL:

  17. Formation of NiO/YSZ functional anode layers of solid oxide fuel cells by magnetron sputtering / I. V. Ionov [et al.] // Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. — 2017. — Vol. 53, iss. 6. — [P. 670–676]. — URL:

  18. Scale‐up of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with Magnetron Sputtered Electrolyte / A. A. Soloviev [et al.] // Fuel Cells. — 2017. — Vol. 17, iss. 3. — [P. 378-382]. — URL:

  19. Solid oxide fuel cell anode surface modification by magnetron sputtering of NiO/YSZ thin film / I. V. Ionov [et al.] // Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2016) : International Congress, October 2–7, 2016, Tomsk, Russia / National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) ; eds. B. M. Kovalchuk [et al.]. — 2016. — [P. 327]. — URL:

  20. Optical Absorption Peculiarities of Al-Si-N Coatings Produced by Magnetron Sputtering / A. V. Kabyshev [et al.] // Key Engineering Materials : Scientific Journal. — 2016. — Vol. 712 : Advanced Materials for Technical and Medical Purpose (AMTMP 2016). — [P. 3-8]. — URL:

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