Семенов Михаил Евгеньевич
Кандидат физико-математических наук

Отделение математики и математической физики, Доцент

Тел.: 8 (3822) 60-63-35
Вн. телефон: 2250
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Goals: to form student’s theoretical base in the main problems of the discrete mathematics, culture of the mathematical mentality and stable skills of the independent practical use of the obtained knowledge in solving mathematical problems in the professional activity, to enable international students to develop professional, universal and socio-personal competences based on knowledge and skills in the discrete mathematics field. These competences are needed for application of obtained skills and knowledge in future practical activities.

Contents: the purpose of the syllabus is to form student’s theoretical base in the main problems of the discrete mathematics: learn methods of mathematical logic, mathematical proof techniques, algorithms complexity, graph theory basis used to solve real-world problems.

Topics for individual research

  • Algorithms to construct a Latin square;
  • Algorithms for a Sudoku table;
  • Algorithms for solving puzzles;
  • Search algorithms graph paths;
  • Building factor graph;
  • Find the shortest cycle
  • Traveling Salesman Problem;
  • Construction of a truncated DNF;
  • Find the shortest DNF;
  • Method of competing intervals.
  • Postman problem;
  • The task of finding prime numbers;
  • Search matchings and coverings in the graph;
  • Find the maximum flow in the network;
  • Completeness of systems of Boolean functions.