Назарова Галина Юрьевна
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение химической инженерии, Доцент

Вн. телефон: 1476
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11 февраля 2025 / Tuesday / Неделя четная
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Research interests include
  • Thermodynamics, kinetics, mechanisms of advanced petroleum processes reactions
  • methods for detection and determination of oil composition and petroleum fractions
  • Modelling of catalytic cracking of petroleum feedstock;
  • heterogeneous catalysis;
  • Development and application of computer modelling systems of petroleum refining processes;

Основные публикации

1. Silko G.Y., Belinskaya N.S. Ivanchina E.D. Ivashkina E.N. Frantsina E.V. Optimal technological parameters of diesel fuel hydroisomerization unit work investigation by means of mathematical modelling method // Procedia Chemistry. - 2014 - Vol. 10. - p. 258-266
2. Silko G.Y., Belinskaya N.S. Ivanchina E.D. Ivashkina E.N. Effect of feed composition changing at naphtha catalytic reforming unit due to involvement of gasoline fraction obtained by diesel fuels hydrodewaxing into the processing // Procedia Chemistry. - 2014 - Vol. 10. - p. 267-270
3. Belinskaya N.S., Ivanchina E.D., Ivashkina E.N., Silko G.Y., Frantsina E.V. Mathematical model of straight run diesel catalytic hydroisomerization // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. - 2014 - Vol. 21. - Issue 1. - p. 1-7
4. Ivashkina E.N, Nazarova G.Y., Ivanchina E.D., Kiseleva S.V., Stebeneva V.I Thermodynamic Analysis of Catalytic Cracking Reactions as the First Stage in the Development of Mathematical Description. 2015. vol. 15. P 342–349
5. Ivashkina E.N, Nazarova G.Y., Ivanchina E.D., Kiseleva S.V., Stebeneva V.I «Formalization of hydrocarbon conversion scheme of catalytic cracking for mathematical model development» // IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 27, 2015, p. 1-7.
6. Ivanchina E. D. , Ivashkina E. N. , Frantsina E. V. , Silko G. Y. , Kiselyova S. V. Determination of the Optimal Operation Mode of the Platinum Dehydrogenation Catalysts // Advanced Materials Research. - 2014 - №. 880. - p. 25-31

Results of intellectual activity:

1. Свидетельство о государственной регистрации программы для ЭВМ № 2012618239 Calculation program of forecasted parameters of the dehydrogenation in a known date of the planned reactor shutdown.State registration certificate of a computer program № 2012618239. Priority date: 11.09.2012.
2. Modeling system to predict the ecological properties of petrochemical products produced in the hydrocarbon fractions C12 -C27 processing. State registration certificate of a computer program № 2013615349. Priority date: 05.06.2013.
3. Computer program for calculation of technological parameters of the hydrodewaxing of atmospheric gasoil/visbreaking gasoline mixture. State registration certificate of a computer program № 2013618740. Priority date: 17.09.2013
4. A system for supporting of the straight run catalytic hydrodewaxing process. State registration certificate of a computer program № 2014661067. Priority date: 22.09.2014.
5. Kinetic model of the process of vacuum distillate catalytic cracking. State registration certificate of a computer program № 2015661356. Priority date: 26.10.2015
6. Calculation of technological parameters of the katalytic dewaxing of the mixture of diesel fractions and atmospheric gasoil. State registration certificate of a computer program № 2015661466. Priority date: 29.10.2015

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