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A list of publications produced on the basis of the electronic catalog of NTBs:

  1. Sidorova OP Marketing research as a way of analyzing the competitive position of the company on the market // Innovative technologies in mechanical engineering and economics: Proceedings of the VII All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation - Jurga, YUTI TPU, May 21-22, 2009. - Tomsk Univ. TPU, 2009. - p. 453-455 (16900891)

  2. Sidorova OP Analytical reports as an element of competitive strategy // Innovative technologies in mechanical engineering and economics: Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference with members of the scientific school for young scientists - Jurga, YUTI TPU, May 20-21, 2010. - Tomsk Univ. TPU, 2010. - p. 389-391 (11974846)

  3. Sidorova OP Managing profitable enterprises // Impulse - 2010: Proceedings of the VII All-Russian (with international participation), the scientific-practical conference of students, young scientists and entrepreneurs in the field of economics, management and innovation . At 2 m., Tomsk, 25-26 November 2010. - Tomsk: TPU, 2010 - Volume 1 - C. 157-159

  4. Sidorova OP be a trend // Innovative technologies in mechanical engineering and economics: Proceedings of the II International scientific and practical conference with members of the scientific school for young scientists, Jurga, May 19-20 2011. - Tomsk: Izd TPU 2011 - C. 460-461

  5. Sidorova O. A new look at the old principles // Innovative technologies in mechanical engineering and economics: Proceedings of the III International scientific and practical conference with members of the scientific school for young scientists, Jurga, 24- May 25, 2012. - Tomsk: Izd TPU, 2012 - T. 2 - C. 148-150

  6. Sidorova OP Foreign experience of motivation and incentives // Innovative technologies in mechanical engineering and economics: Proceedings of the III International scientific and practical conference with members of the scientific school for young scientists, Jurga, 24 -25 May 2012 - Tomsk: Izd TPU, 2012 - T. 2 - C. 150-152

  7. Sidorova OP Distance education: the future or utopia? // Information technologies in the economy, education and business: the V International Scientific and Practical Conference, Saratov, on February 20, 2014. - Saratov: MTC "Business Academy" in 2014 - C. 108-110

  8. Sidorova OP Problems and prospects of development of social partnership in Russia // Innovative technologies in mechanical engineering and economics: Proceedings of the IV International scientific and practical conference with members of the scientific school for young scientists, Jürg 23-25 May 2013 - Tomsk: TPU 2013 - C. 446-448

  9. Sidorova OP About modern motivation // Innovative technologies in mechanical engineering and economics: Proceedings of the V International scientific-practical conference: in 2 vol., Jurga, 22-23 May 2014. - Tomsk: TPU 2014 - T. 2 - C. 137-139

  10. Sidorova OP, Palevikova MG, Beginbekova EA, Social Audit in Russia [electronic resource] // Economy and Society. - 2013 - №. 4 (9). - C. 1. - Mode of access:

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