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About the lab

The laboratory was founded January 27, 1981 to provide services to higher education institutions of Tomsk during - Scientific and practical research in the field of optical spectroscopy, dosimetry, - Chemical analysis for the content of cations and anions solutions without whereas relation to drinking water

In 1997 he received an independent status in the study quality of drinking water and natural water. Accreditation certificate № ROSS RU. 0001.510653. C this time the main focus of the lab is the chemical analysis of water

Developed and patented a method for the determination of iron in water containing humic substances (Patent number 2,216,019). The technique of quantitative analysis of iron bound to organic substances. Developed a method of preparing a model colloidal solution (Patent 2,502,556), which allows in vitro to predict the effectiveness of treatment of groundwater northern regions of Western Siberia. Proposed a "method of purifying groundwater against resistant forms of iron (patent № 2,492,147)

The laboratory specialists are researchers of Tomsk Polytechnic University, participate in the educational process, preparing bachelors, masters, and graduate students on research topics in the field: environmental engineer, chemical engineer. engineer-physicist specialty "Radiation safety of man and the environment

The laboratory analyzes of water of all types, including the analysis of drinking water - from the water, wells, wells, springs, and other sources of bottled drinking water, and distilled water for laboratories. After the analysis of water produced by an independent lab professionals recommendations for water purification if necessary

Analytical framework/p>

- Optical spectroscopy

- Inversion voltammetry

- Flame photometry

- Chemical analysis in accordance with GOST 2761-84 "drinking water" and SanPin 2.1.4 1074-01

Tomsk Polytechnic University
30, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Office 127, 30, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Telephone: +7(3822) 56-34-70, Fax: +7(3822) 56-38-65
Office 125, 4a, Usov Str., Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Tel./fax: +7(3822) 70-50-85
2016 © Tomsk Polytechnic University