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RUSSIAN HISTORY Tomsk Polytechnic University Institute of Humanities, Social Sciences and Technologies Department of History and Regional Studies Level: bachelor students Course: RUSSIAN HISTORY Study time allocation: 108 hours (contact hours: 32 (lectures – 16 hours, seminars - 16 hours), private study hours: 76). Credit points: 4. Semester: 1. Assessment method: Exam Mode of study: full-time attendance Module overview: Russian history is essential in understanding Russian culture and society. The subject integrates special aspects of Russian history and common factors of World historical process. Having successfully completed this module, you will be able to: perform research and teaching activities on historical, cultural and political issues; carry out information and analytical activities; apply principles of historical process to organizational and administrative activity; develop your personal qualities necessary for the realization of professional activities: tolerance, the culture of speech and thinking, adherence to diplomatic etiquette, social responsibility, the desire for self-development, professional duty, creativity. Key words: history, Russia, methodology of history, historical process.