Шишмина Людмила Всеволодовна
Кандидат химических наук

Отделение нефтегазового дела, Доцент

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Specialty 131000 Petroleum Engineering
Training profile: Service and Exploitation of Oil Field Production Site
Degree Bachelor of Science
After graduation the student will:

  • have knowledge of professional engineering task fulfilment in the sphere of gathering and oil and gas production preparation with the application of latest education and information technologies;
  • know how to apply the obtained knowledge in order to manage oil production preparation processes as well as to service oil, gas and water production assembly;
  • know how to apply HYSYS software to improve the quality of calculation and analyzing the processes of well production gathering and preparation.

Discipline Content
Section 1. Current state and prospects of the petroleum industry. Water-in-oil emulsions;
Section 2. Well production evaluation;
Section 3. Well production primary separation;
Section 4. Modelling software for petroleum industry;
Section 5. Hydraulic calculation of field pipelines;
Section 6. Challenges of field pipeline operation;
Section 7. Technologies of oil processing for market;
Раздел 8. Technologies of water processing for reservoir pressure maintenance;
Section 9. Technologies of gas processing before transportation;
Section 10. Russian gas industry: current state and prospects. Physical and chemical principles of gas and gas-condensate wells production gathering and preparation;
Section 11. Well production evaluation;
Section 12. Technologies of gas and gas-condensate wells production preparation for market.

Year___4____ semester ___7, 8____ number of credits __6 (3/3)___


  • Mathematics;
  • Physics;
  • Chemistry;
  • IT;
  • Ecology;
  • Petroleum chemistry;
  • Physical and colloid chemistry;
  • Hydraulics and oil and gas hydromechanics;
  • Thermodynamics and heat transfer;
  • Petrophysics;
  • Oil and gas well development.


  • Professional foreign language;
  • Principles of resource-effective technologies and nature resource management;
  • Oil and gas well exploitation technologies.

Interim assessment: exam (7th semester), grading test (8th semester).

Types of learning activity Full-time education hours
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Tomsk Polytechnic University
30, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Office 127, 30, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Telephone: +7(3822) 56-34-70, Fax: +7(3822) 56-38-65
Office 125, 4a, Usov Str., Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Tel./fax: +7(3822) 70-50-85
2016 © Tomsk Polytechnic University