07 марта 2025 / Friday
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In 2007 graduated from the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Faculty of Chemical Technology. • In 2006 obtained a Bachelor of engineering and technology in "Chemical Technology and Biotechnology" (summa cum laude); • In 2007 was qualified as an engineer in "Basic processes of chemical production and chemical cybernetics" (summa cum laude) After graduation, studied at postgraduate at the Department of Chemical Technology of Fuel (Faculty of Chemical Technology) at the specialty 05.17.08 - Processes and devices of chemical technologies (supervisor - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Ivanchina E.) In November 2010, prepared and defended at the Dissertation Council D 212.269.08 PhD thesis on the topic: "Improving the efficiency of the reactor unit of gasolines reforming with fixed granular bed of catalyst." According to the results of research and teaching activities is awarded by: • II degree Diploma for "Educational laboratory complex of technological and modeling systems in processes of refining and petrochemistry" in the competition "The use of modern information technologies in educational process", 2007. • III degree Diploma in the contest "Best graduate student of Tomsk Polytechnic University in 2010”. • I degree Diploma for the development of resource efficiency problems of the educational program "Optimization and organization of resource efficiency systems during the Training for petroleum refining industry specialists" in the contest "The best development of resource efficiency in educational programs" according to the results of 2012 • The Letter of Gratitude for the great contribution to the organization of curatorial activities in the unit and participating in the contest "The best curator of the Year" – 2013 of National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University. • Diploma and Medal of Professional Engineer of Russia according to the results of the All-Russian competition "Engineer of the Year" by the "Engineering Art of the Young" in the category "Chemistry". Awarded with special state scholarship of the Russian Federation Government in 2009-2010 academic year. Won a grant to participate in the conference "Scientific bases of preparation and technology of catalyst." It is the executor of the grant on "Methods of forecasting of petrochemical processes resource efficiency in complex technological environment", grand of the President of Russian Federation for governmental support of best scientific schools in Russia. A performer of a number of contractual work with the payment.