Шарф Ирина Валерьевна
Доктор экономических наук

Отделение нефтегазового дела, Профессор
Отделение экономики и организации производства, Профессор

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Sharf I.V. is a candidate of economic sciences, has the scientific title of associate professor. Working at the department of economics since December, 2010. Total research and teaching experience for the 01.01.15 - 20 years. Associate professor Sharf I.V. uses modern multimedia technology for preparing and delivering lectures, and software applications for the seminars. She lectures for the Masters on the folowing disciplines: "Modern problems of economics, organization and management in the field of exploration and subsoil use", "Economy and management of petroleum production. Technical and economic analysis", "Business assesment" and "Organization and management of oil and gas production" for the bachelors. Supervises barchelors' course works, barchelors' and masters' thesis. Students under her supervision repeatedly win prizes at various conferences and symposia. Field of scientific research is related to the taxation of oil and gas industry, the reproduction of the mineral resource base. Carries out the grant research №2.1.3 / 1696 "Theoretical foundation of optimum system of corporate taxation of oil and gas complex of Russia", performs Analytical departmental target program "Development of Scientific Potential of Higher Education (2009-2010)". The scientific work is presented by numerous articles in journals cited by Higher Attestation Commission, journals from Scopus databases, collections of reports of international conferences and symposia. Participates in the organizing committee of various competitions, conferences, symposia and other events.
Tomsk Polytechnic University
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