Севостьянова Ольга Александровна
Кандидат геолого-минералогических наук

Отделение экспериментальной физики, Инженер
Организационный отдел, Главный эксперт

Вн. телефон: 2080
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Area of scientific interests: biomineralogy, i.e. studying of mineral structure and structural features of the uric stones which are formed in an urinary system of the person and leading to an urolithic illness which is necessary for medical and preventive actions for the patient.

The main results reflecting scientific activities for studying of mineral structure and structure of uric stones are included in the list in the form of articles, theses of reports, monographs, the dissertation works presented in the form of reports and messages at conferences and seminars (mineralogical and urological).

For the entire period 1 manual is published 31 articles in magazines of the list of VAK and collections of conferences. In 2008 the master's thesis on geological and mineralogical sciences on a subject is defended: "Mineralogo-geochemich features of urolit of the Tomsk area and their communication with factors of environment and technogenic influence".